Mittwoch, 30. September 2020


Mit den Kollegen der Klinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie der Charité Universitätsmedizin haben wir seit 2015 an einer Studie zu Intervalltraining und generalisierter Angststörung gearbeitet mit dem 


Working out the worries: A randomized controlled trial of high intensity interval training in generalized anxiety disorder

Die Ergebnisse wurden nun veröffentlicht und sind im Volltext bis November online unter folgendem Link verfügbar.

Viel Spaß beim Lesen


Hier dazu noch das Abstract: 



Aerobic exercise (AE) demonstrated an overall medium treatment effect in anxiety disorders (AD) but there is evidence for an “intensity-response” relationship. High intensity interval training (HIIT) was highly effective on a range of (mental) health parameters. However, so far no randomised-controlled trial (RCT) investigated the efficacy of HIIT in AD.


33 patients with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) were randomly assigned to 12-day HIIT or a training of lower intensity (LIT). Anxiety, comorbid depression, stress-related bodily symptoms and perceived control over anxiety related stimuli (PC) were assessed at baseline, post-training and 30 days after baseline by using the Penn State Worry Questionnaire (PSWQ), the Hamilton Inventories for Anxiety and Depression (Ham-A, Ham-D), the Screening for Somatoform Symptoms-7 (SOMS-7) and the Anxiety Control Questionnaire (ACQ-R).


Both interventions showed moderate or large effects on all clinical measures. However, effects for HIIT were generally about twice as high as for LIT. PC negatively correlated with GAD severity in the whole sample at baseline but an association of training-induced changes in PC and worrying were exclusively detectable in HIIT.


HIIT was highly effective and fast acting in GAD. Therefore, it may complement first-line treatment approaches in this condition.

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